2022 Webinar Series | June 22-24, 2022
Click on any topic below and watch the recording on YouTube.
Wednesday, June 22
12:00-1:30 p.m. Eastern
Teaching Techniques for Irrigation Components & Technologies
Speakers: Brad Jakubowski, Penn State University, and Warren Gorowitz, CLIA, Hunter Industries
Learn the anatomy of an irrigation system and techniques to teach it to your students. Irrigation components that will be covered include piping, valves, controllers and sprinklers. An at-home irrigation components kit will be provided to all attendees for hands-on demonstration during the session.
2:30-4:00 p.m. Eastern
Teaching Techniques for Soils & Soil Water
Speakers: Don Davis, CIC, CID, SiteOne Landscape Company, and Justin Snyder, Alamance Community College
Discuss how soil formation occurs over time resulting in varying soil profiles and texture classifications and how the texture affects drainage, permeability, percolation and porosity. Learn about soil water-holding capacity and how available water directs the scheduling of an irrigation cycle. Also, come prepared to share and learn methods to teach soils in your classroom.
Thursday, June 23
12:00-1:30 p.m. Eastern
How to Teach Two-Wire
Speaker: Mike Hartley, Turf Equipment & Supply Co. Inc.
Join us as we use the topic of two-wire irrigation control systems as our teaching example and incorporate a variety of tools to help the subject become more meaningful. The session will cover student engagement techniques using animation, videos and more.
2:00-3:00 p.m. Eastern
Sprinkler Irrigation Uniformity & Precipitation Rates
Speaker: Tom Glazener, CGIA, CIC, CID, CLIA, CLWM, Rain Bird Corporation
Sprinkler irrigation uniformity and precipitation rate inform the supply side of the irrigation schedule: How much water can a particular system provide and how evenly? What information is needed, and how is it compiled and evaluated? Using Irrigation Association classroom resources, this session will consider how to teach these concepts both theoretically and in the field. We will also discuss how to use manufacturer sprinkler and rotor performance charts for practical classroom exercises, evaluating precipitation rate changes as parameters change. Finally, if available, we will demonstrate SPACE Pro software from the Center for Irrigation Technology at Fresno State.
3:30-4:30 p.m. Eastern
Weather Apps for Effective Water Management
Speaker: Bradley Jakubowski, Penn State University
There are an infinite number of apps available to us when considering weather data. This session will review available apps and methods to engage students while using phone-based and computer-based data. Learn how to integrate weather data, maps and forecasts into irrigation and water management decisions. It’s a rare opportunity for students to use their phones in class!
Friday, June 24
12:00-1:30 p.m. Eastern
Roundtable Discussion: Teaching Styles, Assessments and Challenges
Hosts: Skyler Westergard, CPH, CLT, Brigham Young University-Idaho, and Deying Li, North Dakota State University
This session is dedicated to sharing solutions. Together, we will explore the unique challenges educators must overcome in order to successfully teach irrigation in the classroom. Small-group discussions will cover: 1) how to prioritize teaching objectives based on time constraints, 2) how to balance different teaching tools and methodologies in the classroom, and 3) how to assess student learning. Come prepared to share and walk away with meaningful solutions.